Monday, October 31, 2011

Transparency on Traditional scanned art.

Original source:
Original author: Wolthera/Thera Dratara (Me)

Okay, so we've all had it once that we scanned something in and wanted to make it transparent. Like, removing the white from a lineart on white paper. For this you can set the layer on multiply or even use masking techniques.
In my case, I'm doing a water-coloured webcomic, and I wanted to remove the white, without damaging the colours. So that I could overlap the picture onto another and the colours would blend.

I was before messing around with masking techniques, but I had problem with keeping the colours right. I've now found a technique that's a bit more easy, and which allows me to draw this:

What you need:
*A picture(scanned in or otherwise)
*A computer with the gimp installed.

My version of the gimp is Dutch, so I'll be putting the english name of the steps in bold.

Welcome to Comic Tutorial Collab

As you may know, making comics is quite an elaborate process. There's many different elements to comic-making. There's the drawing, the scripting, the narrative, the lettering... and that's only scratching the surface.

What I want to do with Comic Tutorial Collab is to allow everyone to submit their tutorials so we can collect them and organise them proper. So if you want to submit a tutorial feel free to drop a message and I'll add you as an author to this blog.